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Failed Runs

Grid Run failures can happen during build or during experiment runtime.

Build failures​

To see build failures, view the build logs tab on the UI.

Failures at this stage can happen because:

  • Dependencies fail to install
  • An action can fail
  • Something goes wrong when executing your script

Script Failures​

If the build completes but your script has a failure (i.e.: a bug in the code that causes exception), you can view the Stdout logs for more information.

Failures here can happen because:

  • Passing the wrong script arguments
  • Out of memory
  • Issue accessing the data
  • A bug in your script that throws an exception

Using the CLI to get logs​

To view logs for an experiment use:

grid logs the-experiment-name

If you have additional questions about Runs, visit the FAQ. The section is periodically updated this with common questions from the Grid community.